Toenail fungus - treatment with folk methods

Healthy feet after nail fungus treatment

A strange situation: more and more new antifungal drugs are available in pharmacies, but the number of people with fungus is also not small. Moreover, the statistics clearly show that infection with a fungus has recently become an epidemic. And this despite the fact that only 1 in 10 sick people seek help from a doctor. For some reason, thrush is not considered a serious infection in the general population. Not deadly! And this is the most dangerous paranoia.

The fungus that is only in this moment can "pretend" to such a harmless misunderstanding, thereby causing only trouble, terrible itching yes, sorry, heavy footfall in each individual case. Well, another cosmetic defect, in which the nails lose all their attractiveness, peel and crack.

In fact, an untreated fungus can then spread to the feet and other parts of the body. Stronger infections can easily enter through the skin damaged by the fungus, and this is where the real danger lies in the form of difficult-to-treat skin diseases. It happens that the fungus also penetrates the internal organs of a person, disrupting their functioning, which leads to serious consequences and even death in people with weakened immunity.

foot after fungal infection treatment

And you can get the fungus very easily in the bathtub, in the sauna, in the swimming pool, through other people's slippers and toiletries. The fascination with buying antibiotics in general also leads to the "fascination" of the fungus. Well, wearing synthetic knitwear and shoes only aggravates the situation.

To be clear, if something annoying like toenail fungus happens to you, get it treated right away.

Only a doctor can give you competent support, so we recommend that you always consult with your doctor about methods of getting rid of the fungus. But it will not be superfluous to apply folk recipes to cure nail fungus at home.

At-home nail fungus treatments can be both a good addition to the main treatment, and a standalone "cure". Anyway, we provide you with proven toenail fungus home remedies.

Tar Soap against Toenail Fungus

Grind tar soap in a coarse blender, dilute with water, add baking soda, to a medium paste. With the resulting composition, using a stiff brush, wash your nails and feet at night for a week every day, rubbing the product with fairly vigorous movements.

This procedure is mandatory during the home treatment of nail fungus.

Vinegar cures toenail fungus

fungus between toes

Dilute the vinegar essence with water in a ratio of 1: 1, add flaxseed meal and knead until the dough is as smooth as plastic. From the dough, form cakes-discs according to the number of nails affected by the fungus, carefully place each cake on the affected nail and secure with plaster or tape. Leave overnight.

This procedure in five days will lead to the death of the old nail, the nail will "fall off" from the finger, making room for the new nail.

Another recipe based on vinegar was used in ancient times. Put the whole egg in a glass jar, pour strong vinegar into it. Wait until the egg is completely dissolved in the vinegar, removing the insoluble film from the formation. You won't need it, but an egg-vinegar solution is a miracle nail fungus cure. Apply the medicine to the affected nail in the morning and at night until the wound is completely healed.

Iodine for toenail fungus

Toe fungus treatment oil

A tool that is tested by many people in their own experience is ordinary iodine. Put a drop of the drug on your nails at night, wearing socks to sleep. Usually in 10-15 days the fungus disappears.

According to another method, we need to put some iodine in a basin of warm water and soak our feet in this solution for 10 minutes, then cut off the damaged areas in the nails, treat the skin with peroxide and bandages. with antibacterial agent. ointment. The duration of the treatment process is only 3 courses. Many people who have used this method say another advantage is that the effect of the procedure comes quite quickly.

You can also mix iodine and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions and treat the affected nails. As a precaution, you can use neighboring nail plates. Many people in their reviews focus on the fact that in order to treat nails affected by nail fungus and healthy nails, it is necessary to take different plates. After treating a fungal nail, it is not necessary to treat adjacent healthy nail patches with the same cotton pad. This procedure must be done in the morning and evening every day for two weeks. After completing the course, at least 10 days will pass, after which you can (if necessary) continue the treatment.

Tamarind, garlic and lemon against nail fungus

Put the dog's roots in a meat grinder along with the garlic and half a lemon. Spread the resulting "powder" on a small gauze pad and apply to the affected nail, fixed with adhesive tape or plaster. Leave overnight. It is almost always helpful, but try not to put this rather strong mixture on the skin around the nails. The course of treatment will be about 21 days.

Let these male remedies to cure nail fungus help you! But it should still be remembered that the surest way to get rid of this disease is to see a doctor in time.